Jose Vidal

Web Development


Passionate Full Stack web developer with experience in sales, supply chain and customer service, with a Bachelor's Degree in International Business from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). Skills and technologies include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6+, RESTful APIs, Node.js, NPM, Express.js, SQL (MySQL), Sequelize, NoSQL (MongoDB), Mongoose, React.js, OOP, ORM, ODM, MVC, PWA, Bootstrap, Heroku, GIT and GitHub. Strengths in problem solving, creativity, teamwork, negotiation and delivering results on time. Very interested in taking coding challenges to take my current skills to the next level and obtain new knowledge in additional technologies and programming languages. Eager to work with other programmers to satisfy the end user's needs, finding solutions through collaboration, being able to provide my unique and structured approaches and enrich myself with valuable perspectives from colleagues. Potential to create innovative web solutions targeted towards Commercial and Supply Chain areas, thanks to my knowledge of common problems and needs in those fields. Currently enrolled at ITESM Coding Bootcamp.


Broken Pallets

Offer damaged pallets to recyclers

Motorcyle Club

Team Project 2

Weather Dashboard

Check any city's weather

Trip Planner

Team project 1

My MVC Tech Blog

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